This course is part of the Plateforme Biostatistique de Toulouse training session: “Initiation à LA statistique, niveau 1”. The first session has been held on April 13-14th, 2016, followed by two sessions on March 2nd-3rd, 2017, March 26-27th, 2018, September 9-10th, 2019 and the next session will be held on March 9-10, 2020.
The content of this course is basic statistics, illustrated with the software R through its graphical interface R Commander. The course covers the following topics:
exploratory statistics in one and two dimensions, including plots
statistical inference and statistical tests
The course was originally taught by Sébastien Déjean (IMT, Université Paul Sabatier) and myself and it is now taught by Sandrine Laguerre (INRAE, TBI) and myself. This page gathers information about it and material to download.
For this course, the installation of R and R Commander on your personal computer is required prior the beginning of the course. The installation steps are described below. In case of difficulty, please, contact me (emails preferred).
in a terminal if you are a Linux user);install.packages("Rcmdr")
sudo apt-get install tk-table
During the class, we will be using the dataset “nutrimouse” which is part of the R package mixOmics. Before the class, please, download the following files on your computer:
This reminder In French summarizes the main menus and R functions used during the practical session. A printed version will be provided at the beginning of the class.
Slides (course) are available at this link. An HTML version for offline is also provided. Slides (practical session, first part and practical session, part 2) can also be downloaded, as well as the R environment as obtained after the first day of class.
In addition, a former version of the slides can still be downloaded at this link (it won’t be used during this class).